Latest news from Ardans

27/10/2023 + AKM Software modules: AKM Loader
How do you create or enrich a knowledge base with the contents of your databases, files and spreadsheets? Answer with the AKM Loader module of Ardans' AKM software.
08/02/2023 + Ardans and 3org present OPHELIE during Search-Day 2023
OPHELIE is the result of a common observation and analysis by 3org & Ardans based on their expertise in information governance and knowledge engineering.
07/02/2023 + PARNASSE the ultimate ISO30401 compliant Knowledge Manager framework at Digital Workplace 2023
PARNASSE - the ultimate ISO30401 compliant Knowledge Manager framework, imagined, designed and produced by the experts of the Knowledge Management Club and Ardans.
06/02/2023 + Ardans' best wishes for a successful 2023
2023, de nouveaux enjeux pour Ardans votre spécialiste du knowledge management. Découvrez le catalogue des formations KM et CIM 2023, ainsi que les prochians rendez-vous autour de la gestion des connaissa
16/06/2022 + Ardans Users' Group Meeting 7th edition in Paris
On June 16, 2022, the entire Ardans team welcomed its clients and the community of knowledge engineering enthusiasts and the software designed by Ardans Labs at La Fabrique in Paris.
21/11/2018 - Augm 2018 #6: Ardans Users' Group Meeting
AUGM 2018 #6, l'Ardans Users' Group Meeting, s'est tenu à Paris le 20/11/2018 avec 80 sociétés représentées. Le retour d'expérience d'un expert d'Orano sur l'action de capitalisation a lancé cette journée

