After twenty years of healthy and respectful competition, Ardans and Polia, the two major French players in knowledge management, have decided to join forces. This alliance anticipates the change of scale linked to the maturity of the KM market. Thanks to the cross-fertilisation of their methods and tools as well as the synergy of their experiences, Ardans and Polia now offer an integrated and complete range of services.
Ardans -
Since 1999, Ardans has offered expertise in knowledge and information engineering (KM & IT). The vision of its founders is that "Knowledge constitutes the identity of organisations and its capitalisation constitutes the added value of its future". The consulting offer has been enriched by a software offer with a platform dedicated to knowledge management (Ardans Knowledge Maker) and a framework for designing enterprise information management applications (Ardans Information Maker). Ardans thus helps organisations to identify and control their knowledge in order to integrate know-how into the daily life of their teams. Among its references: Andra, CEA, CNAF, EdF, Framatome, Orano, Michelin, ArcelorMittal, IPC, LFB, AFD, AirLiquide, Cetim, Groupe PSA, Dassault Aviation, Renault, Technicatome, Transdev, RTE, Vinci, Spie, etc
Polia -
Polia is a KM consulting firm founded in 2001 by Jean-Yves Prax, whose expertise in Knowledge Management is internationally recognised. Polia has a wealth of experience in the design and implementation of KM processes in companies of all sizes and types. Some of the companies that have recently entrusted Polia with the design of their KM approach are: Alcan, Altadis, Chanel, Cartier, L'Oréal, Sanofi, Groupe Bel, Saint Gobain, Ubisoft, OCP Maroc, Arjowiggins, ANAP, AFD, ANRU, AFSAPPS, Ineris, the French Ministry of the Interior, the Council of Europe, Action contre la Faim, etc.
Contacts :
Laurent GIRE - Ardans - lgire (at)
Alain BERGER - Ardans - aberger (at)
Jean-Yves PRAX - Polia - jean-yves.prax (at) – jyprax (at)
Service communication - Ardans